Kimberly Freeman

British actress currently based in New York City.

Welcome to my online blog and portfolio. I thought that this would be a fun way of keeping you in touch with what I am up to Stateside.
I will be taking part in HB sings on the above mentioned date.
I will be singing "Out Here On My Own" from Fame.

Needless to say, I am very excited as this is going to be my first singing performance in NYC.

I would love or you all to make it as it is totally free)

Love and Kisses


P.s please send lots of positive thoughts to my sore throat and hope it manages to mend itself before the rehearsal
.......minus the butterfly for obvious reasons
I sometimes dream I wake up and am surrounded by beautiful organised things.

It has not happened as yet, but I want to wake up tomorrow and my place is as beautiful as these pictures.

I know want alot more shelves


This was the final choice.
Taken by Robert Kim, I just love it.
Thanks Robert

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Its my favourite day of the year- Bonfire/ Guy Fawkes night. Pretty much every single year since moving to Dundee, my sister and I have had a party complete with mulled wine (my speciality), chicken soup (my sisters speciality) and various other soups (my fav being leek and potato) and alcohol (hehehe).

Being in NYC means I miss all the fun of tonight which frankly I am a little down about. I will however survive.

So for all you American fans out there. Guy Fawkes night is a tradition dating from the gunpowder plot of 1605 where the above mentioned Catholic tried to burn down the Protestant Houses of Parliament.
Since then, we have celebrated Mr Fawkes' failure by burning an effigy of him in a fire (We really are a friendly nation!!! lol)
My fav part of the night is standing outside with your friends and family with a hot toddy in one hand and a cup of soup in the other. I also love the fireworks. Someone usually brings a guitar and we all sing-a-song or two.
It also marks the beginning of Mince Pie season (according to me anyway) .....more on this to come

Hi guys.
Sorry I have not written for ages and ages (again)

I have been so busy trying to start a career in NYC that I have not really had time for the blog and I apologise.

I am still enjoying life here but find that there are so many things that are so different to the industry in the UK. Still trying to find my feet but it has only been 6 months.
It seems like such a long time ago that I was walking up the Sidlaws in Dundee with a pack of dogs following me.

I miss the dogs so so much and am filling the void by walking and training dogs in the rescue centres here.

I have had a lot of visitors recently and still have a couple more before the year is out. Its so odd to be speaking UK English in the centre of Manhattan. I feel like a tourist again. lol.

Beginning to warm to American chocolate (although still not as good as Cadbury's yum yum)

Hope all is well across the pond
Sorry I have not written for a while.
I have become obsessed with a new soap called Ikea Heights (move over Melrose Place)
Go check it out at

Love it